Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Ambush is Over

Recently, ambushed by a huge dose of negativity, it occurred to me that I can simply avoid those with such sour dispositions.

Just take a breather...

Negativity is contagious. I don't really want to be accidently poisoned with pessimism, fear and toxicity from my environment...or be in direct contact from others. A little breathing room is then necessary.

There is an anecdote.
Change each negative word to a positive one.
Mirroring these statements aloud helps.

Sometimes you often find the need to stand back to make room for another to express themselves.

Case in point my latest blog post at
It's the Calm in the Face of the Storm.

There are instances where remaining calm and collected allow you to remain centred in your own sense of self. Adjusting your level of detachment allows you to really notice what is happening in that moment.

Then, you empower yourself to be able to choose your responses, maintain your personal boundaries and remain intact.

Some may agree, or disagree with this tactic. For me, it's grace under pressure. I cannot control outcomes.

The purpose of my life is to be happy.
I know Who I Am, and difficult times, ambushing events, simply indicate that change is due.

When one door closes or is slammed shut, inevitably another opportunity will present itself.